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Course Projects


This section includes all major projects done in Graduate level courses.

IITK Motorsports


This project was done as a member of SAE Club, IIT Kanpur under Dr. Santanu De, Mechanical Engineering.



Control Systems Lab

Compulsory Undergraduate Course, IIT Kanpur, Electrical Engineering, 2018

  • Worked as a Teaching Assistant in Controls lab compulsory for the junior undergraduates in the Department of Electrical Engineering
  • Performed system identification, control design, tracking control and disturbance rejection problem for a PMDC motor setup prepared completely in the lab itself

Vibration of Continuous Systems

Elective Postgraduate Course, IIT Kanpur, Mechanical Engineering, 2019

  • Responsible for the design of written and computer-based assignments for the course, which invloved vibration models for strings, beams, membranes, shells and plates
  • Mentored UG and PG students and reviewed their continuous progress

Basics of Control Systems for Mechanical Engineers

Elective Postgraduate Course, IIT Kanpur, Mechanical Engineering, 2020

  • Worked as a Teaching Assistant in Controls Systems course supervised by Prof. Anindya Chatterjee, an elective postgraduate course in the Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Responsible for correction of written assignments and mentoring PG students during the course